Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Challenges Faced by a Seafarer-TMCShipping

A seafarer means a person engaged in sailing or working on a ship. There are approximately 11,87,000 men and women working on the oceans. Most of us, you must think that life on sea is all fun and frolic with free travel and leisure. However, you are not completely correct. Being a seafarer is a lot of hard work along with the adventure and fun. There are many challenges that a seafarer must face in his journey towards success.

1.       Staying away from Family: The biggest challenge that a seafarer faces is time they have stay apart from their loved ones, family and friends. The sailors have to overcome and constantly fight their feelings of homesickness. Understanding this, most shipping companies ensure that they give the sailors as much time off while on land as possible. Also, sailors form lifelong bonds with their shipmates and form a family like bond.

2. Unpredictable Weather: Even under normal weather conditions navigating a ship successfully is a challenge, but when storms hit the sea it is becomes a major trial. Bad weather conditions can arise unexpectedly but a crew on ship has to always stay prepared for any eventuality.

     3.       Pirates and Piracy: Piracy at sea may not be as bad the previous centuries but the issue still persists.  $13 to $16 billion is estimated lost every year due to piracy. It is the job of the crew to ensure safety of the cargo as well as passenger on board. Unlike the pirates of the past, pirates of the present have heavy duty weapons and better equipment. They pose a great threat to lives of seafarers.

4.       Maintaining Interpersonal Relationship: It is said that out of sight is out of mind. Maintaining a romantic relationship when you are at sea for months at a time is not easy. Not a lot of people who are involved with the seafarers understand the challenges and need for such a life. Hence, maintaining an interpersonal relationship becomes a major challenge.

5.       Monotony: Living on board, seeing the same faces day-in and day-out can become monotonous. However, most seafarers work on their personality to avoid this feeling. You have to consistently keep yourself motivated and engaged.

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