Sunday, 31 July 2016

Why a Seafarer Deserves Our Respect ?

Respect is for those who deserve it, not for those who demand it.

The men and women who work at sea deserve respect because what they do is no easy task. Many of us do not even spare them a thought in our day to day lives but our lives wouldn’t be the same without these men and women. Without the brave efforts of all the sailors and their families, this world wouldn’t stand so bravely, shine so radiantly and live so easily.

These seafarers do not demand much from us land dwellers. All they need an acknowledgement of their efforts and our gratitude for the services they provide. Maybe a smile of thanks or small pat on the back would make their day. You might be thinking what have they done for me, why should I thank them or why should I think about them. Here are a few reasons why they deserve our respect:-
1.       It is their work at sea on board merchant vessels which keeps the world trade going. This trade ensures that people around the world get their needs delivered to them.

2.       From gas to run your vehicle to fruits and vegetables a lot of our daily needs wouldn’t reach us if it weren’t for the shipping industry and the people who are part of it.

3.       These sailors work all hours and all days to keep the shipping trade going. Sometimes they work 24X7 to manage difficulties and ensure the safety of cargo and ship.

4.       Seafarers work against all odds to get you items that you need to keep your life going smoothly. They face unpredictable weather conditions and threat of pirate attacks.

5.       They stay away from their loved ones for long periods of time while you live with your family completely unaware of the brilliant efforts put in by these men and women at sea.

These are only a few of the many reasons why these sailors and their families deserve our respect and gratitude. So, respect the seafarers. They have earned the respect. They deserve it!

Friday, 29 July 2016

Future in Merchant Navy-TMC Shipping

Career is whatever you decide that should make you happy. Its’ entirely up to you that you consider your passion as a job only or as a satisfying career. There are number of career zones which are hitting the trend nowadays from Health to Law and from technology to Management. Surrounded by diverse preferences, Merchant Navy is one of the booming career options.

Generally, it is a non commercial group of ships which is completely subjected to the transportation of cargoes, metal ores, vehicles, oil tankers and passengers even throughout the world. This career is a unique blend of adventure, technology and management. As mentioned earlier, there is a manifold of benefits:

      Attractive Pay Scale
·         Long Term Layoffs
·         Exploring new places
·         Tax Free Income
·         Meeting new people
·         Enhanced Professionalism
·         Disciplined Lifestyle

Accessing into Merchant Navy requests various things but the foremost step is to crack the IMU-CET exam. This is the basic exam entitled to the admissions into numerous Merchant Navy programs and is designed to examine a candidate’s scholastic, technical and aptitude reasoning skills.

Moreover, the IMU-CET exam can be qualified with a clear cut coaching. TMC Maritime Educational Group can be a fruitful option. What is the most fascinating fact about them is that they entirely offer you the most productive coaching for IMU-CET altogether serving the best resolutions for the benign range of Best Merchant Navy College allover India.

Their IMU CET Mock Test coachingclasses are set up with a comprehensive learning environment, latest study material, doubt clearance sessions, interview preparation, soft skills development classes and routine Mock tests. Seek TMC Maritime Educational Group for a decisive approach with our wholesome outlines for entering into a suitable Merchant Navy college.

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Challenges Faced by a Seafarer-TMCShipping

A seafarer means a person engaged in sailing or working on a ship. There are approximately 11,87,000 men and women working on the oceans. Most of us, you must think that life on sea is all fun and frolic with free travel and leisure. However, you are not completely correct. Being a seafarer is a lot of hard work along with the adventure and fun. There are many challenges that a seafarer must face in his journey towards success.

1.       Staying away from Family: The biggest challenge that a seafarer faces is time they have stay apart from their loved ones, family and friends. The sailors have to overcome and constantly fight their feelings of homesickness. Understanding this, most shipping companies ensure that they give the sailors as much time off while on land as possible. Also, sailors form lifelong bonds with their shipmates and form a family like bond.

2. Unpredictable Weather: Even under normal weather conditions navigating a ship successfully is a challenge, but when storms hit the sea it is becomes a major trial. Bad weather conditions can arise unexpectedly but a crew on ship has to always stay prepared for any eventuality.

     3.       Pirates and Piracy: Piracy at sea may not be as bad the previous centuries but the issue still persists.  $13 to $16 billion is estimated lost every year due to piracy. It is the job of the crew to ensure safety of the cargo as well as passenger on board. Unlike the pirates of the past, pirates of the present have heavy duty weapons and better equipment. They pose a great threat to lives of seafarers.

4.       Maintaining Interpersonal Relationship: It is said that out of sight is out of mind. Maintaining a romantic relationship when you are at sea for months at a time is not easy. Not a lot of people who are involved with the seafarers understand the challenges and need for such a life. Hence, maintaining an interpersonal relationship becomes a major challenge.

5.       Monotony: Living on board, seeing the same faces day-in and day-out can become monotonous. However, most seafarers work on their personality to avoid this feeling. You have to consistently keep yourself motivated and engaged.

Sunday, 17 July 2016

12 Interesting Reasons Why Sailors Make Great Husbands

It has been noticed that different professions inculcate different traits in people. These traits become part of a person’s personality and may or may not make him more likeable. For a sailor, living and being on-board changes his life not just because it pays well. But the men who work on a ship develop a personality that makes them the perfect marriage material. Here’s a list of reasons why sailors make great husbands:

1.       They can fix things. A sailor knows how to do maintenance work on ship and that comes handy at home too. When he’s home he can fix anything from broken chairs to faulty juicer.

2.       They keep things clean. The life on ship demands them to keep their living quarters as well as all the areas on the ship clean and spick and span. This habit carries to all areas of life and even when at home they do not need you to pick after them. Now isn’t that reason enough to marry a sailor.

3.       They would help you with household chores. There are no maids, wife or mothers on board so a sailor is used to doing his own work. He won’t add to your burden. Rather he is more likely to help you with tasks like washing cars, windows, mopping floors, bathing pets and children, etc. They are sweet like that.

4.       They can handle difficulties and stay calm. They are trained to face storms and unpredictable weather. Hence, little unpleasant situation like a flat tire, children fighting, a broken window pane do not even faze them. They handle these little troubles with losing their cool.

5.       They are not rash. They follow safety procedures. While on ship it is important to follow safety guidelines. So, while at home he takes the same care with his family. So he doesn’t drive rash or leave electronics on.

6.       They are punctual. Being married to a sailor means no waiting endlessly because your man is running late. Their work on board teaches them importance of punctuality and it is ingrained in their personality.

7.       They are trained to face emergencies. Be it a fire or a medical emergency your sailor husband won’t disappoint you. These men are trained for firefighting and also give emergency first aid if the situation arises.

8.       They are good at painting. So, your room needs a new coat of paint your hubby will get the job done. A man, who can paint a ship, can paint a house no problem.

9.       They look good in a uniform. Men in uniform always make an impression. So, with a sailor husband you can proudly walk beside a uniformed man and make your girlfriends jealous.

     They stay fit.These sailors are tough men and are used to keep themselves fit and in shape. They eat a lot but they also work a lot and hence, stay active and fit. So, no paunch.
     They don’t look down upon any work. A career in merchant navy starts as a cadet and as a cadet one is given all kinds of task from cleaning decks to cleaning toilets. So your sailor husband does not look down on work as unworthy. If the work needs doing, he’ll get it done.

     And the most essential is the fact that he would love you through thick and thin. These men are trained to stick around no matter the circumstances. So, you have someone who you can depend on and believe in forever.
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Friday, 15 July 2016

Strive Not To Be A Success, But Rather To Be of Value-TMC SHIPPING Merchant Navy

 Life and career are deeply correlated with each other. Everyone faces the stage to think, build and enhance a career field in his or her life. Career planning is one of the influential factors which either aids the entire life or wipes out the entire life.
Career planning basically demands for research and exploration. What matters the most is your passion which develops and raises your interest for the profession. Currently, people love to choose a career which enhances their character and satisfies them in terms of money and speculations.

And there is one wonderful profession which pleases your conditions of earning well and rejoicing well throughout the career span and that is mainly specified as Merchant Navy.This brilliant career zone is thoroughly constrained to the transportation of goods from one place to another in the form of cargoes, metal ores, vehicles, oil tankers, petroleum and passengers etc.

Coming into Merchant Navy is bit vindicating task and clear cut counseling can be beneficial to go with. Counseling basically gives us the idea of trending professions and which suits our interests. All your doubts will be cleared and your morale will be boosted.

Throughout the sphere of counselors, TMC Maritime Educational Group, Mumbai offers the productive counseling for Merchant Navy accessing altogether with the effective IMU-CET coaching and assured 100% Placement and Sponsorship in Merchant Navy  at the leading firms.

They basically aim to serve the aspirants the pool of valuable suggestions by virtue of their wide experience. This year come and team up with us for an assured avenue towards the constant Merchant Navy and forge a better approach.