Monday, 20 June 2016

A Healthy Attitude is Contagious,but Don't Wait To catch It From Others.Be a Carrier.-TMC Shipping

Life is all about accepting new opportunities and learning from the previous experiences. Setting a fruitful career is a stimulating element which is encountered by each and every human being on this earth. Nowadays, apart from concentrating on the facets, candidates believe to settle up the perks and earnings of the profession.

In India, an applicant chooses or starts to plan out his or her career after the completion of basic high school i.e. after class 10th, 12th or Bachelors Degree. Encompassed by huge number of professions from Medicine to Fine Arts, Merchant Navy is the culminating one.

Merchant Navy is the profession which is entitled to approximate 93% of transportation of this absolute world in diverse forms like cargoes, metal ores, chariots, petroleum and oil tankers and passengers etc. Although, Merchant Navy offers many Best Option After 10th, 12th  and which can be preceded after Bachelors Degree.

Some of the extant fields are Petroleum Engineering, Nautical Science, Marine Engineering, Ship & Logistics, Marine Biotechnology, Oil and Gas Management, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Human Resources, Hospitality and Finance.  

If you are a Science Candidate or you belong from an Engineering background, and yearning to correspond Merchant Navy as your career option; then we can particularize the best. TMC Maritime Educational Group believes in delivering the best.

The experts here’ll be your diligent guide from career counseling to the Sponsorship. They will share the best options after 10th and instructions on How to Join Merchant Navy After  10th ,12th and Engineering degree.So Science students buck up and get ready for a smooth access in Merchant Navy with TMC Maritime Educational Group.

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