Thursday, 25 August 2016

A Profession for the New Generation-Merchant Navy TMC Shipping

The world is changing. The society is evolving. The perceptions are being redefined and in this new age of globalization, the age old concepts of education and career are no longer valid. Being one of the many doctors out there looking for a job or being one of the many computer engineers just out of college with no real industry knowledge is no longer good enough.

In this new world lives a new generation who wants a career to not just pay well but give them an opportunity to travel and learn. The youth today wants a career that is challenging and adventurous. One of the few careers which promise monetary success as well as adventure and challenge is Merchant Navy. There are still other careers like photography, journalism, mountaineering, archaeology etc. which offer adventure and challenge. However, the scope of these careers is very narrow and hence the industries are very competitive. There aren’t many job opportunities in these industries and hence, there’s a high insecurity.

Unlike the above mentioned careers, a career in merchant navy is much more secure as the scope of the industry is very wide. About 90% of the world trade is carried out through sea. Therefore, there is no dearth of job opportunities.

The career might be secure in terms of job opportunities and financial remuneration but it offers its fair share of adventure and challenge. Living at sea, aboard a ship for months on an end can be quite challenging. Visiting new ports and cities adds to attraction of the merchant navy. While working on aboard a merchant vessel, sailors learn to handle emergencies, face storms and work as team to overcome problems. They grow not just professionally but personally as well.

Hence, it isn’t wrong to call merchant navy a career for the new generation which loves challenges and adventure, a generation which is not afraid of working for what they want i.e. success and respect.

Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Life in the Deck Department

Safe and successful journey of a ship is the responsibility of its crew. To ensure smooth functioning the functions are primarily divided under two major departments and the deck department is one of them. The deck department is also called the Navigation department and as the name suggests their main responsibility is navigation of the vessel. The people working in this department are called Navigation or Deck officers.

A deck/navigation officer's typical work activities include:

·         Operating satellite and radar systems and equipment to navigate the ship;
·         Following weather and navigation updates and reports and taking necessary action;
·         Responsible for the safety of crew and cargo as well as passengers (incase of a ferry/cruise ship);
·         Supervising the operation and maintenance of deck machinery, e.g. winches and cranes;
·         Managing and handling communication systems;
·         Monitoring and maintaining safety, firefighting and life-saving equipment;
·         Scheduling the work and maintaining legal and operational records;
·         Keeping up to date with developments in maritime legal, commercial and political matters.

Ranks in the Deck Department

The deck department of a merchant vessel is headed by the Chief Officer, also known as the chief mate. He works under the Sea Captain. The Second Officer or Second Mate reports directly to the Chief Mate. He is the second in command in the Deck Department.A ship may or may not have a third and a fourth mate depending on its size. Apart from these higher officers there are boatswains, able seamen and ordinary seamen also in the department. These are ratings that are responsible for many manual jobs within the deck department. The people training to become a part of deck department are called deck cadets. They help the officers to carry out their duties.

Being a part of the Deck department requires one to be able to take responsibility and remain focused as they are not just responsible for safe navigation, but also for the safety of the crew and passenger. This is a challenging job which requires people who can remain calm under pressure. 


Monday, 22 August 2016

Internet - Making a Sailor's Life Easier

Internet has had an impact on every life it has touched. The role of internet in making globalisation possible is as big as that of trade. Our sailors too have benefited from the presence of internet. Life for a sailor isn’t as isolated today as it was before internet became popular. There are many benefits of internet for a sailor:-
1.       Keep Connected with Family and Friends: Internet has made it possible for the sailor to keep in touch with family and friends while away on sea. Today they can use Skype, G-talk, Facebook, Gmail etc. to stay in touch with what’s happening back home. Wishing happy birthday, saying all the best and watching a school recital video helps the sailor in touch with his children’s growth and development.

2.       Stay Aware: Social Media websites help sailors remain aware for what is happening in the lives of people they care for. Looking at pictures on Facebook, status updates, opinions and views on twitter, they don’t feel as isolated as the earlier sailors used to.

3.       Expand Knowledge: While on sea, away from family and friends, sailors have a lot of time on their hand when they aren’t working or sleeping. Because of internet, they can now use this time to read and expand their knowledge. They can use online reading options and download e-books to keep themselves busy.

4.       Entertainment: While at sea, there didn’t used to be many entertainment options. Sailors in the past used to sing and dance. Today with the improvement in technology, TV and Music Systems provide entertainment options. Added to these, internet has made staying entertained easier for sailors.

5.       Stay Updated: While on sea, a sailor’s world shrinks to the vessel alone. However, because of internet a sailor doesn’t have to feel cut off from the world anymore. He or she can stay aware of what’s happening throughout the world with online news websites. Even innovations in technology can be read and learnt about through the internet offshore. So, that the time off at home is better spent with family and friends.
